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The Sinister Six

So while I've heard that Amazing Spider-Man 3, 4, and Venom are cancelled, I haven't heard that Sinister Six was, in fact I heard t. 2015-08-11T05:05:21Z

Sinister Six was Amazing Spider-Man 3. Amazing Spider-Man 4 was going to be Venom. There wasn't going to be any other. You saying t. 2015-08-30T08:39:40Z

DylanTBest123 wrote:Tragould wrote:I heard that The Secret Invasion will be hinted, and Electro was exposed to be a Skrull, and Thomas Gibson. 2015-04-13T20:11:18Z

  • Dude, Avengers 3 will be Infinity War. Have you been living under a rock for the last 6 months? And nobody at Marvel ever mentioned the Skru. 2015-04-13T23:13:24Z

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